Thursday, October 31, 2019

To what extent do cultural differences alter understandings of Essay

To what extent do cultural differences alter understandings of injustice and approaches to justice - Essay Example Before embarking upon the topic under study, it would be appropriate to define culture. Culture is the amalgamation of religious belief system, cult, social norms, values, mores, customs, traditions and conventions. Language, art, literature, festivals, folkways, food, dressing, writings, music, dance, thought and philosophy also come under the fold of culture. â€Å"Culture is†, Macionis submits, â€Å"the values, beliefs, behavior, and material objects that together form a peoples’ way of life. Culture includes what we think, how we act, and what we own.† (2007: p 60) Hence, culture is not specific to one single era only; rather, it maintains its roots in ancient past, branches of which seek their way in future centuries to come. Since cultural patterns vary from one region to the other, the values, norms and traditions also observe imperative divergence in them. A tradition, thought to be complying and pleasing in one set up, may be offensive, ridiculous and annoying within the framework of some other. For instance, shaking of hands with the colleagues of the opposite gender is a common thing in the west, and is viewed as a part of interaction, but the same is considered very awkward and indecent in the East, particularly in Muslim states and India. Similarly, intimate relationship among the males are viewed as a sign of sincerity and friendship in Asian countries, while the same act is suspected as homosexual aptitude in some parts of Africa and western Europe. â€Å"Differences between people†, Encina (2007) notes, â€Å"within any given nation or culture are much greater than differences between groups. Education, social standing, religion, personality, belief structure, past experience, affectio n shown in the home, and a myriad of other factors will affect human behavior and culture.† (Quoted Thus, cultural values develop the tastes and decide intellectual thoughtfulness of the individuals belonging to that

Tuesday, October 29, 2019

Website Review Assignment Essay Example for Free

Website Review Assignment Essay The website www. ancientgreece. com is an interactive web location that serves as a reference point for the history and philosophy behind Greek contributions in the various art forms used in the rituals of basic everyday living to sacred cultural convention. The homepage incorporates quotes from famous scholars, such as, Aristotle and Archimedes, and a menu of thumbnail pictures that link to indepth summaries, examples, and pictures of Greek art, architecture, history, the Olympic Games, wars, geography, mythology, people, culture, and society. The Forum is a message board to share and discuss Greek related scholastic topics and issues, and to meet and talk to other students and professors. The Essays section allows the user to browse ancient Greek essays in the topics listed above. It is also possible for anyone to upload an essay to discuss it with the other users. Help Build the Foundations is the place to contribute shared knowledge, photos, and comments on articles or essays, discuss topics, or submit essays. The photo gallery holds pictures and information on famous artifacts, marble sculptures, and paintings. The course directory can be utilized to put people in touch with universities that offer Ancient Greek studies. The website also offers a glossary, and a bookstore with DVDs, posters, and books for purchase. For full access to the site you must register. Ancient Greece is considered the center of art and intellect. Religion dominated Greek life and that is exposed through their art and architecture. Statues were used to enlighten the communities about the stories about the Gods. Many statues that have survived are actually Roman copies of the originals. The Olympic Games were created and held to honor the Gods, complete with animal sacrifices. Theater was a main source of entertainment. Tragedies and comedies revolved around politics and the Gods. Some of the most influential playwrights, philosophers, historians, epic poets, mathematicians, and sculptors came out of ancient Greece. This website is a complex site with extensive information about Greece and their achievements and contributions, stretching from the Neolithic Age to the Classical Period. In terms of art, this website has pictures of artifacts, sculptors, mosaics, and paintings, but never mentions music. Music was an integral part of ancient Greek life and tradition. This site needs to include a section summarizing the variety of music the Greeks listened to, famous musicians, pictures and facts about instruments, and the purposes music served in daily ritual and cultural tradition.

Saturday, October 26, 2019

Effect Of Insecticides On Honey Bees Biology Essay

Effect Of Insecticides On Honey Bees Biology Essay Introduction: Pollinators are very important for the production of any crop as they play very important role for pollination of the flowers and crops. Bees are considered one of the major pollinators of the agricultural crops. The study of this issue is very important as well as difficult due to the complex interaction of bees with their hosts. Many environmental factors are involved in the complexity of this interaction (Schmid, 1975). Honey bees are good pollinators but they are not common for all crops (Batra 1995). Most people are interested in honey and wax production by bees but some honey bees are used in orchard pollination, where they take nectar and pollen for the purpose (Cheung 1973). Honey bees are most vulnerable pollinators of agricultural crops as USDA estimated the financial value of these profitable pollinators that is approximately 15- 20 dollars billion per year (Johnson 2010). On the other hand, they are very sensitive insects as they are disturbed by the common environmental factor like pollution. Pesticides are the chemicals that are most widely used to control pests in crop production. When different chemicals are applied to the crops, they not only affect the pests of the crops but also harm the beneficial insects as pollinators, predators and parasites etc. This harmful effect disturbs the natural balance between the insects and their natural hosts. The table below shows the dependence of agricultural crops on honey bee pollination. Almond, Alfalfa, Apple, peaches, carrots, sunflower, onion, broccoli and citrus with other field crops are given with their dependence. Estimated value of Honey Bee to US crop production, 2000 estimates (Johnson, 2010) Use of chemicals (Pesticides) in agricultural crops is important to get required production on one side while on other side, safety of honey bees and other natural enemies from these chemicals are also required. But if these chemicals are not used against insect pests of the crops, it will also create problems for producers as they can not be able to get such production that can fulfill the food requirements of nation or worldwide. Large number of bee colony developers is present in The United States that provides bees as pollinators, commercially to different crop producers. U.S. Department of Agricultureà ¢Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â‚¬Å¡Ã‚ ¬Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â‚¬Å¾Ã‚ ¢s (USDA) 2007 Census point out that 2.9 million bee colonies are used for 28,000 operations in the United States. Increasing use of chemicals (insecticides and pesticides) to control the other problems of crop production disturbs honey bees populations either natural or reared commercially. Johnson 2010 gave the map that shows the disorder in honey bees colonies in different states in 2009. Johnson (2010) gave the reasons for colonies collapses in his report by the data collected under the information provided by USDA. These colony loses in honey bees disturbs Agricultural economy of the country, so scientists try to explore that chemicals that are less or not harmful for the pollinators and they started performing different experiment by using different chemicals to check their efficacy against honey bees activities and pollination. Complete give up of chemicals is not possible as they effect the production of different agricultural crops (Akca et al. 2009), but these chemicals should be use under certain limits. According to the Pretty 1995, the over usage of these agrochemicals make the soil and environment deteriorated and on the other side genetic diversity of the living organisms is also disturbed. Many scientists focused on all non target insects while some are more specific towards the pollinators, their behavior and activities against insecticides which are commonly used for crop pests (Liong et al. 1998; Qadri et al. 1994). Different chemicals and methodologies are carried by different scientists to explain the effectiveness of certain chemicals against honey bee normal functioning. Some of them are given here. Methodologies by Different scientists and their results: Akca et al. 2009 performed an experiment by using 8 chemicals against worker honey bees. They used residual film method for each chemical. Physical conditions for experiment were 25O C and 75% RH and data was collected after 1, 8, 16 and 24 hours. Honey bees of 20 days or less were used in experiments. Three different doses for each chemical were used (recommended, 1/2 and 1/4 of recommended) at same physical conditions. Above is the table that shows the chemical used, their recommended doses and their groups to which these chemicals belong. Their results revealed that all of the insecticides with all doses are toxic to the honey bees after last three intervals except Azadirechtin. All chemicals are significantly toxic to time and doses while the mortality goes on decreasing when dose was reduced. Among all toxic compounds, they found that Sevin XLR was the most fast acting and toxic to the honey bees. Under the light of this experiment, it was concluded that the chemicals that are botanical in nature have less or no toxic to the honey bees. They are organic in nature and environmentally safe. The scientists concluded that it is needed to find out bio-chemicals that does not effect adversely to the bees but have good control of pests. Needham and Stevenson 1973 performed an experiment by using three chemicals, Malathion EC, Azinphos-methyl EC and Endosulfan WP. They performed experiment under natural conditions in field. They sprayed chemicals while bees were foraging on the oil seed rape crops and notice the mortality after 1 and 28 days. They found that mortality was maximum for Malathion and then Azinphos-methyl while for Endosulfan it was very low. Table for results of these chemicals is given below. For this result, they concluded that the formulations of the chemicals play important role for their toxicity. For this conclusion, they performed another experiment by taking two chemicals, Endosulfan and Azinphos-methyl with both formulations. The method of experiment was same as before. But this time, they found that the wetablepowder (WP) formulations were mote toxic than emulsifiable concentrate (EC). The table for results is given as: It is revealed from the results that again Azinphos-methyl was more toxic than Endosulfan no matter what the concentration was. Though all chemicals had effect on Acetyl cholinesterase of the brain of honey bees. So they concluded that the choice of chemical is more important than the concentrations of the chemicals. In the same way different experiment with different hypothesis are carried out by different scientists to show the effect of chemicals on the activity of honey bees as a pollinator and their role for the crop production. Some of the literature review is given below about the work on honey bees against different chemical and different methodologies by different scientists. Review of Literature: Akca et al. (2009) studied the effect of eight different insecticides on honey bees and check their acute toxicity level on hazelnut pests. They used Karate, Deltanete, Sevin, Oncol, Mesurol and Neem @ of their recommended dose and below (1/2 and 1/4 of recommended dose) against Honeybees. They found that Azadirechtin is most safe and environmental friendly insecticide as compare to all other. They also revealed from their experiment that Sevin is one of the most dangerous insecticides for the honeybee activity. In their experiment they recommend that Azadirechtin should be used to control the Hazelnut pests. Batra (1995) presented a review article about the importance of the honey bees as a pollinator for different crops. He described the situations before and after the application of agricultural practices in a field crop that disturb the population of bees to the hosts. Halm et al. (2005) presented New Risk Assessment Approach for Systemic Insecticides: The Case of Honey Bees and Imidacloprid (Gaucho). This publication explains an approach to estimate the risk of systemic insecticides more precisely. They estimated two levels that were levels of exposure (PEC) and toxicity (PNEC). PECs are determined for different Honey bees categories in order to estimate the amount of contaminated pollen and nectar consumed. PNECs are estimated or calculated for chronic, acute and sublethal toxicities of the test chemical. All of the experiment was done under field conditions. These assessments are used to describe the risks of the systemic insecticides against honey bees. Iwasa et al. (2004) performed an experiment on honey bees by taking different neonicotinoids in topical application in laboratory. They found that nitro-substituted compounds like imadacloprid and dinotefuran were more toxic as compared to Cyano-substituted compounds like acetamaprid and thiacloprid. They also studied the effect of some synergists like piperonyl butoxide, triflumizole and propiconazole. They observed that these synergists increased the effect of cyano-substituted compounds towards more toxic while nitro-substituted compounds were not affected by these synergists. Kevan (1999) gave the name, bioindicators to the honey bees. According to him, pollinators and pollination is important for all ecosystems specially agriculture. They are as sensitive to the changes in environment as they are getting easily harmed by the competitors, diseases, predators and parasites on one side while they are easily defeated by the physical and chemical factors like chemical application and habitat modification. According to Kevan, honeybees are indicators of the atmospheric pollutions as they are functionally disturbed by the abnormalities in the environment. Montana, Department of agriculture (2007) published a report about the role of pesticides and honey bees in the production of agricultural crops. In this report, they described that insecticides application not only control the other pests of the crops but also disturb the honey bee population while on the other hand if insecticides are not applied to control the other pests of the crop, the production by the crops is also disturbed. So in this guideline, they give some general suggestions and ideas for the application of insecticides and chemicals to control the insect pests of the crops. Needham and Stevenson (1973) studied the effect of 3 organophosphates on foraging bees and their pollination ability was testes under the influence of these (Endosulfan WP, Azinphos-methyl EC and Malathion EC) chemicals. According to their results, Endosulfan was safer among all three. According to their observations, they concluded that the other two chemicals except Endosulfan, difference of formulations (wetable powder and Emulsifiable concentrate) is also one of the factors that made these chemicals more toxic than Endosulfan. Surviliene et al. (2009) published an article Insvestigation of Pesticides Effect on Pollination of Bumblebees in Greenhouse Tomatoes. In this article, they checked the effect of different chemicals on the bumblebee hives with different doses. They concluded that with the specific recommended doses of some specific chemicals did not affect the bee activities and lives while some chemicals badly affect the bees and their activities. As they used triazamat with 1 ml/lit concentration, Azadirachtin with 5ml/lit and propamocarb hydrochloride with 1.5 /ha. They did not notice nay bad effect on bumblebees while tolyfluanid with 1.5 mg/lit had negative effect on bee colonies and activities. Akca, I., C. Tuncer, A. Guler and I. Saruhan. 2009. Residual Toxicity of 8 different insecticides on honey bees ( Aps mellifera Hymenoptera: Apidae). J. Anim. Veter. Adv. 8(3): 436-440. Batra, SWT. 1995. Bees and pollination in our changing environment. Apidologie. 26: 361-370. Cheung, S. N. S. 1973. The fable of the bees: an economic investigation. J. Law Econ. 16:11-33. Halm, M. P., A. Rortais, G. Arnold, J. N. Tasei and S. Rault. 2006. New risk assessment approach for systemic insecticides: the case of honey bees and Imidachloprid. Environ. Sci. Technol. 40: 2448-2454. Iwasa, T., N. Motoyama, J. T. Ambrose and R. M. Roe. 2004. Mechanism for the differential toxicity of neonicotinoid insecticides in the honey bee, Apis mellifera. Crop Protection. 23: 371-378. Jhohnson, R. 2010. Honey bee olony Collapse Disorder. Congressional Research Service. pp. 1-20. Kevan, P. G. 1999. Pollinators as bioindicators of the state of environment: species, activity and diversity. 74: 373-393. Liong, P. C. W. P. Hazah and V. Murugan. 1998. Toxocity of some pesticides towards fresh water fishes. Malaysian Agric. J. 54 (3): 147-156. Needham, P. H. and J. H. Stevenson. 1973. The toxicity to foraging honey bees, Apis mellifera, of Endosulfan, melathion and Azinophos-methyl applied to flowering oil seed rape, Brassica napus. Ann. Appl. Biol. 75: 235-240. Pretty, J. N., 1995. Regenerating agriculture: Policies nad Practice for sustainability and self-reliance. Earthscan Publications Limited, London, pp: 320. ISBN: 0309052483. Qadri, Y. H., A. N. Swamy and J. V. Rao. 1994. Species difference in brain acetylcholinerterasse response to monocrotophos in vitro. Ecotoxicol. Environ. 28: 91-98. PMID: 7523071. Schmid, R. 1975. Two hundred years of pollinationbiology: an overview. The Biologist. 57: 26-35. Surviliene, E., L. Raudonis and J. Jankauskiene. 2009. Investigation of pesticides effect on pollination of bumblebees in greenhouse tomatoes. SODININKYSTE IR DARZININKYSTE. 28(3): 235- 241. USDA, 2007. Census of Agriculture, Table 31, Publications/2007/Full_Report/Volume_1,_Chapter_1_US/st99_1_029_031.pdf.

Friday, October 25, 2019

Mao Zedong :: essays research papers

Mao Zedong or Mao Tse-tung Pronounced As: mou dzu-doong , 1893-1976, founder of the People's Republic of China. One of the most prominent Communist theoreticians, Mao's ideas on revolutionary struggle and guerrilla warfare were extremely influential, especially among Third World revolutionaries. Of Hunanese peasant stock, Mao was trained in Chinese classics and later received a modern education. As a young man he observed oppressive social conditions, becoming one of the original members of the Chinese Communist party. He organized (1920s) Kuomintang-sponsored peasant and industrial unions and directed (1926) the Kuomintang's Peasant Movement Training Institute. After the Kuomintang-Communist split (1927), Mao led the disastrous "Autumn Harvest Uprising in Hunan, leading to his ouster from the central committee of the party. From 1928 until 1931 Mao, with Zhu De and others, established rural soviets in the hinterlands, and built the Red Army. In 1931 he was elected chairman of the newly established Soviet Republic of China, based in Jiangxi province. After withstanding five encirclement campaigns launched by Chiang Kai-shek, Mao led (1934-35) the Red Army on the long march (6,000 mi/9,656 km) from Jiangxi north to Yan'an in Shaanxi province, emerging as the most important Communist leader. During the Second Sino-Japanese War (1937-45) the Communists and the Kuomintang continued their civil war while both were battling the Japanese invaders. The civil war continued after war with Japan had ended, and in 1949, after the Communists had taken almost all of mainland China, Mao became chairman of the central government council of the newly established People's Republic of China; he was reelected to the post, the most powerful in China, in 1954. In an attempt to break with the Russian model of Communism and to imbue the Chinese people with renewed revolutionary vigor, Mao launched (1958) the Great Leap Forward. The program was a failure, 20 million people starved, and Mao withdrew temporarily from public view. The failure of this program also resulted in a break with the Soviet Union, which cut off aid. Mao accused Soviet leaders of betraying Marxism. In 1959 Liu Shaoqi, an opponent of the Great Leap Forward, replaced Mao as chairman of the central government council, but Mao retained his chairmanship of the Communist party politburo. A campaign to re-establish Mao's ideological line culminated in the Cultural Revolution (1966-76). Mass mobilization, begun and led by Mao and his wife, Jiang Qing, was directed against the party leadership. Liu and others were removed from power in 1968.

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Bipartisan Campaign Reform Act of 2002

On March 27, 2002, the prohibition on the use of a specific form of organizational finances as contribution to political candidates and parties or to sponsor certain ads in the period prior to elections became law. This is known as the Bipartisan Campaign Reform Act of 2002 (BCRA), founded on the campaign finance reform bills authored by Republican Senator John McCain and Democrat Senator Russ Feingold (Magarian, 2003). The BCRA or McCain-Feingold law aimed at a more stringent regulation of the sources of funds used for electoral campaigns. It made illegal the use of soft money from corporate or private entities and labor unions for candidates and their machineries at the federal, state and local levels (Magarian, 2003). Prior to this law, organizations could donate an unlimited and unregulated amount of money for issue-based advocacy, increasing voter-turnout and party-building efforts coursed through the national political parties (Geiger, 2005). Issue ads were allowed as long as they did not use words such as â€Å"vote for† or â€Å"do not vote for† and other words that expressly promoting or assailing certain candidates. As such, issue advocacy has in essence been lawfully used to campaign for a candidate as long as the magic words mentioned are absent in the content (, 2008). The BCRA reformed the use of soft money for broadcast issue-advocacy ads campaigns when it came up with as a qualifier for what is lawful issue-advocacy is known as electioneering communication. According to the (2008), this means ads that â€Å"refer to a clearly identified candidate, and targets the candidate’s electorate†. The BCRA requires from entities that conduct electioneering communications a disclosure of the sources of their funds and such ads can not be aired 30 days prior to a general elections and 60 days prior to a federal election (, 2008). The law also bans corporations and unions to donate for issue ads from their treasury fund, openly or expressly advocate for a candidate known as independent expenditures or to make direct campaign contributions (, 2008). They are only allowed to do so through specially Political Action Committees (PACs) within these organizations which are allocated a segregated funding that can be used for independent expenditures and issue ads (, 2008). Further, the BCRA demands the full disclosure of the sources of solicited campaign funds that amount to more than $10,000 annually or the identities of organizations and individuals that shelled an excess of $1,000 (Cantor and Whitaker, 2004). It also increased the lawful limits on the total amount of â€Å"hard money† that candidates and parties can turn out. The result was that corporations and other organizations as well as individuals drastically limited their donations to avoid the disclosure of their identities. Corporate and other private organizations can and do work to influence the outcome of the electoral process through soft money spending in order to gain access to the candidate in the event that s/he wins (Geiger, 2005). Candidates also welcome contributions as these determine in part the number of votes they will get. With the BCRA restrictions, political parties resorted to the formation of political organizations. Because they are independent, political organizations which may be corporate philanthropy, social welfare or charity organizations are beyond the scope of the current campaign law and can absorb undocumented amounts of money for issue ads. In the last elections, 527 political organizations generated more than $400 million in such funds where the biggest donors handed amounts within the $3.9 million to $30 million range (Geiger, 2005). These affluent and motive-driven corporate and individual donors were also safe from the disclosure requirement. However, the U.S. Supreme Court, in a narrow decision last year, allowed leniency on issue ads even within the 30-day or 60-day election period when it declared that ads may be exempted from the limitations set by the BCRA if they are determined as principally an exercise of the freedom of speech under the First Amendment rather than campaigning for or against a candidate (, 2008). The case in question involved the Wisconsin Right to Life Inc. anti-abortion group whose ad was prohibited from airing in 2004 as it fell within the mandated election period and because it mentioned the name of a state senator to act on a certain issue. The senator was running for reelection at that time but no mention was made of this in the ad. The Supreme Court emphasized public rights rather than censorship in their decision on the case (, 2008). Thus, corporate and labor organizations can take advantage on another gap to provide financial support for political campaigns of parties and candidates they favor even during election periods through issue ads similar to that used by the Wisconsin Right to Life. The Federal Election Committee issued a ruling exempting organizations from the electioneering communications restrictions as a result of the Supreme Court Decision (, 2008). However, the disclosure requisites provided for in the BCRA still applies in this case but independent-sector groups are active in supporting proposals that do away with this requirement ( List of References (2008). The Impact of FEC v. Wisconsin Right to Life, Inc. on State Regulation of â€Å"Electioneering Communications† in Candidate Elections, Including Campaigns for the Bench. Retrieved 2 April 2008 from   Cantor, J.E. and Whitaker, L.P. (2004). Bipartisan Campaign Reform Act of 2002: Summary   Ã‚   and Comparison with Previous Law. Retrieved 2 April 2008 Geiger, J.P. Preparing for 2006: A Constitutional Amendment for Closing the 527 Soft Money Loophole. William and Mary Law Review, 47. Retrieved 2 April 2008 from (2008). Public Policy: FEC Rule Allows Issue Ads with Disclosure.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Retrieved 2 April 2008 . Magarian, G. (2003). Regulating Political Parties under a â€Å"Public Rights† First Amendment.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   William and Mary Law Review, 44. Retrieved 2 April 2008 from   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚         

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Lady Macbeth Character Analysis

Lady Macbeth Character Analysis Lady Macbeth is one of Shakespeare’s most infamous female characters. Cunning and ambitious, Lady Macbeth is a major protagonist in the play, encouraging and helping Macbeth to carry out his bloody quest to become king. Without Lady Macbeth, her husband might never have ventured down the murderous path that leads to their ultimate downfall.   In many respects, Lady Macbeth is more ambitious and power-hungry than her husband, going so far as to call his manhood into question when he has second thoughts about committing murder.   Sexism in 'Macbeth' Along with being Shakespeares bloodiest play, Macbeth is also the one with the greatest number of outright evil female characters. Chief among them are the three witches who predict Macbeth will be king and set the plays action into motion.   Then, theres Lady Macbeth herself. It was unusual in Shakespeares day for a female character to be so boldly ambitious and manipulative as Lady Macbeth. Shes unable to take action herself, perhaps because of the social constraints of the time, and must persuade her husband to go along with her evil plans. Masculinity is defined in the play by ambition and power, two qualities that Lady Macbeth possesses in abundance. By constructing the character in this way, Shakespeare challenges our preconceived views of masculinity and femininity. But what exactly was Shakespeare suggesting? On one hand, it was a radical idea to present a dominant female character. But on the other hand, Lady Macbeth is presented negatively and ends up killing herself after experiencing what appears to be a crisis of conscience.   Lady Macbeth Character Description and Guilt Lady Macbeth’s sense of remorse soon overwhelms her. She has nightmares and in one famous scene (Act 5, Scene 1), appears to try to wash from her hands the blood she imagines has been left behind by the murders. Doctor:What is it she does now? Look how she rubs her hands.Gentlewoman:It is an accustomd action with her, to seem thuswashing her hands. I have known her continue in this a quarter ofan hour.Lady Macbeth:Yet heres a spot.Doctor:Hark, she speaks. I will set down what comes from her, tosatisfy my remembrance the more strongly.Lady Macbeth:Out, damnd spot! out, I say! - One; two: why, thentis time to dot. - Hell is murky. - Fie, my lord, fie, a soldier, andafeard? What need we fear who knows it, when none can call ourpowr to accompt? - Yet who would have thought the old man tohave had so much blood in him? By the end of Lady Macbeths life, guilt has replaced her incredible ambition in equal measure. We are led to believe that her guilt ultimately leads to her suicide. Lady Macbeth is, therefore, a victim of her own ambition - and also possibly of her sex. As a woman  in Shakespeares world, she is not resilient enough to deal with such strong emotions, whereas Macbeth fights on to the very end despite his misgivings.   The treacherous Lady Macbeth both defies and defines what it means to be a female villain in a Shakespeare play.

Monday, October 21, 2019

Lets Not Eviscerate Eviscerate

Lets Not Eviscerate Eviscerate Lets Not Eviscerate Eviscerate Lets Not Eviscerate Eviscerate By Maeve Maddox Ive always thought of the verb eviscerate as being a really strong word suggestive of horror. Say it aloud. Even the words sound seems to twist like a knife blade. eviscerate [ee VIS er ate] intransitive verb To take out the internal organs or entrails of; to disembowel; to gut. Used correctly, eviscerate conveys the idea of removing an animals innards. For example the Canadian Department of Agriculture has a live, dressed, and eviscerated poultry regulation. A National Institute of Sciences report tells us: Experiments were carried out in eviscerated rats having intact kidneys to examine the effects on body glucose of some conditions known to stimulate overall gluconeogenesis. Pretty horrible stuff, evisceration. Thats why Im sorry to observe that some bloggers and headline writers are using the word as if it were a mere synonym for destroy or impugn (contradict, contravene, cross, disaffirm, gainsay, negate). Armenian Genocide deniers are eviscerated Zionofascist Bollinger Eviscerated by Patriot Keith Olbermann eviscerated Hillary Clinton Such figurative use of the word eviscerate is like calling in a helicopter to get a cat out of a tree. On the other hand, figurative uses of eviscerate can be appropriate: ATT, Microsoft win as ID theft bill eviscerated This use is apt because the document contained things that could be cut out. Sometimes the use of the word is completely off the mark, literally or figuratively, as in a 2002 story by an NPR reporter who called Windows on the World a restaurant in one of the eviscerated towers of the World Trade Center. Had the tower housing the restaurant still been standing as a shell, the use would have been appropriate. Since the tower was rubble, it was not eviscerated. It was demolished. Sure, evisceration does result in the death of the organism to which it is applied, but with so many other more suitable words in the language for attacking peoples ideas, why weaken a bloody, snicker-snak word like eviscerate? Want to improve your English in five minutes a day? Get a subscription and start receiving our writing tips and exercises daily! Keep learning! Browse the Misused Words category, check our popular posts, or choose a related post below:Punctuating â€Å"So† at the Beginning of a Sentence25 Russian Words Used in English (and 25 More That Should Be)What Is the Meaning of "Hack?"

Sunday, October 20, 2019

Ireland essays

Ireland essays Northern Ireland is an administrative division of the United Kingdom, which is situated, in the northeastern portion of the island of Ireland. The remaining portion of the island is part of the Republic of Ireland. Northern Ireland constitutes about 17 percent of the land area of Ireland and has 31 percent of the island's population. The capital of Northern Ireland is Belfast. Northern Ireland's population is deeply divided along religious and political lines. The split between the Protestant majority and the Catholic minority extends deep into Northern Ireland's past and has strongly influenced the region's culture, settlement patterns, and politics. Northern Ireland came into existence as a result of a campaign for Irish Home Rule, which began in the 1870s. At that time the whole island of Ireland was governed by Britain and sent MPs to Westminster, which is the home of the British Government in London. Home Rulers wanted a separate Irish parliament but their campaign was defeated by a number of groups, including Irish unionists, who wanted to remain under British rule. A bill granting Home Rule was passed through its parliamentary stages but was postponed because of the outbreak of the First World War. The pressure for Home Rule took a violent turn with the Easter Rising of 1916, when a small group of Irish rebels took control of parts of Dublin and declared a provisional republic government. The following execution of most of the leaders hardened Irish opinion and led to the emergence of Sinn Fein, a republican party led by Eamonn DeValera, one of the main participants in the Rising who had escaped execution because of his American citizenship. At the same time the Irish Republican Army was formed and began a terror campaign attacking police and army bases in Ireland. The violence was so widespread that British irregulars, called the Black and Tans, were shipped to Ireland to combat the virtual civil war. But the fer...

Saturday, October 19, 2019

Philosophy and Society Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Philosophy and Society - Assignment Example Men benefit from philosophy through defining the sense of the world. Different theories are on hand and more theories are yet to be discovered. Hence, these theories allow a person to see the world in varying perspectives, providing different perceptions and allowing one to establish his or her own standards which can help him make the best decision for his self. Contemplating and deciding on one’s future education and career is more rational through philosophy. Having a philosophy in life aids in having a clearer vision of what one wishes to believe in, what one wishes to pursue and where path one wishes to go. Philosophy is in great correlation with ethics as ethics gives one an idea on what you ought to do in a particular situation and why one ought to do it. Moreover, philosophy also aids in discovering one’s self. The main value of philosophy is thinking and questioning the realities of the world like why one does a thing and why one does not. According to Bertrand Russel, â€Å"The man who has no tincture of philosophy goes through life imprisoned in the prejudices derived from†¦habitual beliefs of his age or his nation† (Carroll, n.d.). Philosophy opens windows and doors that lead to continually liberate man’s mind from certain beliefs passed on by their forbearers by discovering one’s perception of the world. The importance of philosophy lives in every individual’s desire to seek knowledge, learn and unravel the mysteries of the world. This further leads into innovation, progress and development of the self and of the world where one lives. One’s thoughtfulness fuel the need to continuously see beyond what is visible, listen beyond what is audible and think beyond what is

Friday, October 18, 2019

Arguing against legalizing prostitution Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Arguing against legalizing prostitution - Essay Example On the other hand, Sweden has taken a different legal approach, decriminalizing the women in prostitution while at the same time penalizing the buyers. Prostitution should not be legalized; it should be treated as sexual exploitation and violence against women, and not as ‘sex work’. The arguments against legalizing prostitution apply to all state-sponsored forms of prostitution including the legal operation of brothels and pimping, decriminalization of the sex industry, regulating prostitution through registration and health checks for women, recognizing prostitution as ‘sex work’ or advocating it as an employment of choice (Raymond 315). Thesis Statement: The purpose of this paper is argue against legalizing prostitution, taking into consideration the various adverse outcomes for women in the domain. Prostitution Should Not be Legalized Raymond (315) argues that â€Å"legitimizing prostitution as work makes the harm of prostitution to women invisible, exp ands the sex industry, and does not empower the women in prostitution†. ... Legalization and decriminalization of the sex industry also converts brothels, sex clubs, massage parlors, and other sites of prostitution activities into legitimate venues where commercial sexual acts are allowed to thrive, with few legal restraints. Countries which criminalize women for prostitution activities, should advocate for the decriminalization of the women in prostitution. Such exploited women should not be punished by criminalization. However, pimps, buyers, procurers, brothels, or other sex establishments should not be decriminalized (Raymond 316). Legalization/ Decriminalization of Prostitution Promotes Sex Trafficking One of the root causes of sex trafficking is legalized or decriminalized prostitution industries. An argument supporting legalizing prostitution in the Netherlands was that legalization would help to end the exploitation of desperate immigrant women who had been trafficked to the country, for prostitution. However, the Budapest Group (1) argues that 80% o f women in Netherlands’ brothels were trafficked from other countries. The International Organization of Migration (IOM 4) stated that in 1994 nearly 70% of trafficked women were from the Central and Eastern European countries. Dutting (16) observes that although the government of the Netherlands presents itself as a champion of antitrafficking policies and programs, it has eliminated every legal obstacle to pimping, procuring and the running of brothels. In the year 2000, the Dutch Ministry of Justice argued for the authorization of a legal quota of foreign sex workers, because the Dutch prostitution market called for women of different nationalities. Further, in

Trainspotting by Danny Boyle, 1996 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Trainspotting by Danny Boyle, 1996 - Essay Example This paper will discuss Boyle’s use of parallel editing. According to visual arts and film studies, parallel editing is a technique whereby two or more scenes happen simultaneously, but in different locations co-currently (Smith 6). In some cases, this technique is also known as cross-cutting. In most cases, when the scenes are simultaneous, they culminate in a single area whereby the parties are involved in a confrontation. Cross or parallel editing is used to create suspense hence, adding interest and excitement to a film scene. In this case, Masahiro Hirakubo was responsible for editing this film. Boyle employed the parallel editing technique in several scenes, in the film. Trainspotting the film captures the insolent and amoral intelligence of Welsh as portrayed in the cult novel by Irvine Welsh. The beginning of the film contains severe editing hence; the audience notices that the film significantly affected Britain and it did not dent America. The most probable reason why the movie did not affect America was that it was too apparent for those conservatives. The scenes in the film clearly assert that Trainspotting is the most liberal film that is connected to drug-related issues. Boyle juggles parallel character strands and juxtaposes several images (Smith 23). The film centres on the youthful disaffection with the verve of an exemplary pop culture. According to the events presented in Trainspotting, Boyle developed the technique of using cross editing to provoke suspense. In the introductory section, McGregor and Bremner were running down Princes Street after they were being pursued by security guards. However, after being sober from the induced state, McGregor decides to quit heroin (Smith 34). Later on, he decides to buy opium rectal suppositories and decides to undergo withdrawal in a small hotel. However, when he is close to his friends in a sober state he feels like an outcast. He later goes to the bar and has sex with a woman called Diane (Macdonald) who later refuses to let him sleep in his house.     

Film Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words - 2

Film - Essay Example Essentially considering which specific context would inspire the film to convey its core substance and value, Linklater and the rest of the filmmaking body could have schemed for direction and production on account of the city structure of Paris, the significance of open spaces within this big city, as well as the use of mixed concepts involving places whose functions are distinct from each other. Paris had shaped and created a colourful indispensable mark in the world history as much as the mother nation had so that through it, one would gain ease and good point of recollecting the period of Renaissance or the age of Enlightenment across Europe where fields like arts, literature, music, and philosophy flourished upon the emergence of intellectuals. To this day, the essence of creativity and critical thinking lives on in a manner that encourages a culture of thinkers to run the course of nature which apparently determines the mild rustic look of Paris, as a whole, though it is widely known to the world for its high sense of fashion. Its preserved humble yet classical structure occurs as the leading ground behind how the city manages to remain conducive for intellectual sort of reflections among real individuals whose roles might probably be those assumed by Jesse and Celine. Watching â€Å"Before Sunset† with intent look into the general structure of the city, the audi ence may naturally recognize the feel of society that lacks industrial appeal or some technological approach of projecting the theme, for the thematic relevance that proceeds along the conversation of the couple seems intimately connected to the historical roots of civilization. The structural worth of the city provides context to a depth of insight possessed by the main act of exchanging words from point to point where no high-rise postmodern constructions blend in so as to secure the notion that the city is at the level close to the view of humanism rather than industrialism. On the other

Thursday, October 17, 2019


MANY TIMES NOVELS,MOVIES HAVE LIFE CHANGING EFFECTS ON THEIR AUDIENCE.EXPLAIN HOW A SPECIFIC OR NOVEL HAS HAD A POSTIVE EFFECT ON YOUR LIFE - Movie Review Example Upon being released to video, and then later DVD, many stores refused to carry it for sale or rent, including Blockbuster and Walmart. It has been my experience that most people who hold an opinion of this movie hold an opinion based upon the controversy it generated rather than the content of the film itself. Since this seems a less than progressive way to form an opinion, I decided to watch it and form an opinion based on what the movie seems to be about to me. The Last Temptation of Christ has had a lasting effect upon my life not only for its content, but as a method of showing that misinformed public opinion can have a lasting and damaging effect upon works of art that extend into time and form. The protest against the film centers around the supposedly blasphemous qualities it contains, including Jesus marrying and having children. Indeed, the film does feature a section in which Jesus marries and has children. But far from being blasphemous, these scenes highlight Jesus' sacred qualities because they take place within a vision-His last temptation on the cross. The point of the movie is that Jesus denies the temptation and accepts his mission as messiah. In other words, Jesus is heroic! Far from being blasphemous, the film is actually quite conservative in its adherence to religious dogma.

Struggle & Survival Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Struggle & Survival - Essay Example In addition, they were the means of spreading of ideas across systems of communication. Moreover, the creation and development of European settler societies greatly transformed the lives of these people both negatively as well as positively (11). The society during the European colonization of America was an irregularly delicate structure. The establishment of European settler societies brought about changes in lifestyle for instance the issue of town living as a form of living a civilized life. Other settlers arrived in America with the hope of reinstating a structure of society that they deemed was appropriate in Western Europe. As a result, armed disagreement with the Native Americans offered a strong inducement for integration as did the occasionally threatening peculiarity of the American environment. However, shortly, the compelling forces in New World civilization acted as a prevailing corrosive on the common standards and forms of behaviour of the European settlers, both in the borders and inside the colonial cities and towns (17). The European perceptions of personal property and the adverse exploitation of the environment for commercial purposes were great deterrents to communal modes of behaviour. Nevertheless, the Indian ways of life and culture offered a resilient foundation for societal cohesion. Among African slaves, integration and cohesion occurred in terms of religious affiliations than in open struggle. In addition, there were several chances for grouping integration with the strongly administered social order of plantation, household and mine. This provided the African slaves with a good ground of interaction and modification of their behaviour. These people learned various aspects of life, which they incorporated in their daily activities (18). The collective foundation of the community remained integral in the Native American civilizations and to a smaller extent even among the

Wednesday, October 16, 2019

Film Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words - 2

Film - Essay Example Essentially considering which specific context would inspire the film to convey its core substance and value, Linklater and the rest of the filmmaking body could have schemed for direction and production on account of the city structure of Paris, the significance of open spaces within this big city, as well as the use of mixed concepts involving places whose functions are distinct from each other. Paris had shaped and created a colourful indispensable mark in the world history as much as the mother nation had so that through it, one would gain ease and good point of recollecting the period of Renaissance or the age of Enlightenment across Europe where fields like arts, literature, music, and philosophy flourished upon the emergence of intellectuals. To this day, the essence of creativity and critical thinking lives on in a manner that encourages a culture of thinkers to run the course of nature which apparently determines the mild rustic look of Paris, as a whole, though it is widely known to the world for its high sense of fashion. Its preserved humble yet classical structure occurs as the leading ground behind how the city manages to remain conducive for intellectual sort of reflections among real individuals whose roles might probably be those assumed by Jesse and Celine. Watching â€Å"Before Sunset† with intent look into the general structure of the city, the audi ence may naturally recognize the feel of society that lacks industrial appeal or some technological approach of projecting the theme, for the thematic relevance that proceeds along the conversation of the couple seems intimately connected to the historical roots of civilization. The structural worth of the city provides context to a depth of insight possessed by the main act of exchanging words from point to point where no high-rise postmodern constructions blend in so as to secure the notion that the city is at the level close to the view of humanism rather than industrialism. On the other

Tuesday, October 15, 2019

Struggle & Survival Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Struggle & Survival - Essay Example In addition, they were the means of spreading of ideas across systems of communication. Moreover, the creation and development of European settler societies greatly transformed the lives of these people both negatively as well as positively (11). The society during the European colonization of America was an irregularly delicate structure. The establishment of European settler societies brought about changes in lifestyle for instance the issue of town living as a form of living a civilized life. Other settlers arrived in America with the hope of reinstating a structure of society that they deemed was appropriate in Western Europe. As a result, armed disagreement with the Native Americans offered a strong inducement for integration as did the occasionally threatening peculiarity of the American environment. However, shortly, the compelling forces in New World civilization acted as a prevailing corrosive on the common standards and forms of behaviour of the European settlers, both in the borders and inside the colonial cities and towns (17). The European perceptions of personal property and the adverse exploitation of the environment for commercial purposes were great deterrents to communal modes of behaviour. Nevertheless, the Indian ways of life and culture offered a resilient foundation for societal cohesion. Among African slaves, integration and cohesion occurred in terms of religious affiliations than in open struggle. In addition, there were several chances for grouping integration with the strongly administered social order of plantation, household and mine. This provided the African slaves with a good ground of interaction and modification of their behaviour. These people learned various aspects of life, which they incorporated in their daily activities (18). The collective foundation of the community remained integral in the Native American civilizations and to a smaller extent even among the

Careers in Psychology; Opportunities in a Changing World Essay Example for Free

Careers in Psychology; Opportunities in a Changing World Essay It is usually very vital for one to consider the choice of their career path very carefully. One should consider his or her interests in the career, the job market as well as their education qualifications. It is equally important for one to carefully examine the merits and demerits that come with each career option. This is the sole reason why career talks have become part of the school curriculum in many countries in the world. This paper will analyze three case studies of individuals who are about to complete their Bachelor’s Degrees in Psychology, after which it will critically analyze the options the three cases have laid on the table by analyzing the advantages and disadvantages of each. Denise is considering a couple of options; Master of Arts/ Master of Science in Clinical Psychology Master of Arts/ Master of Science in Counseling Psychology Master of Education in Counseling Psychology Master of Social Work Master of Science in Pastoral Counseling Master of Science in Counseling. Important to note is where the interests of Denise lie. She has an interest in reading research materials or findings related to children, however this interest is not that much. Denise is also not very interested in doing research work. Considering the fact that Denise has a passion in desire to counsel youth and children is not enough when deciding to choose the next degree program the best option for Denise would be a Master’s Degree in Pastoral Counseling. The merits of this program are that it is in all ways related to the interests of Denise. It would give Denise the best opportunity to counsel youth and children. The degree does not require a lot of research work, rather it r equires more of reading research work. This would by all means be the best for Denise. However, a Master’s Degree in Pastoral Counseling would be tricky if matters of spiritual faith are put in consideration. It is not clear where her faith lies. It would be unbeatably the best if her spiritual faith lies along the pastoral line, or if she had pursued a degree in theology. CITATION Tar12 l 1033 (Kuther, 2012)A Master’s Degree in Clinical Psychology would be advantageous in the sense that it has a wide job market and it is in line with the passion of Denise. However, this degree would not be the best for Denise since it requires a lot of research, which Denise is not very good at. Another disadvantage of this is that it would not limit her exactly to youth and children the way she would like it, older people have psychological problems as well. A Master of Science in Counseling Psychology would also not be advisable for Denise. This degree, just like the one in Clinical Psychology would require a lot of research work. Denise does not like research work and it would be very difficult for her to excel in this program. However, it could be really advantageous in the sense that it requires reading research materials and this is one major stronghold for Denise. A Master Degree in Clinical Psychology would have the same limitations as a Master Degree in Counseling Psychology. However, she loves reading research materials on youth and children. This would favor her in the case that she chose this career path. This leaves the best option for Denise as a Master Degree in Pastoral Psychology. CITATION Rob07 l 1033 (Sternberg, 2007)It would be very difficult for Raul to change what he wanted to do all his life to something else. However, the policy when choosing career paths is always no mistakes. This is when the purpose of internship comes out very clearly. All his life, Raul has been interested in counseling psychology or clinical psychology. He should be very careful when making a choice for the nest career step. This is owing to the fact that for one to excel in a certain career path, he or she ought to have the desire and passion for it. Passion does not just grow within a day and Raul does not have much time to make a decision. However, the volunteer work that he did in the psychiatric clinic seems to have helped him a great deal. The interview that he had with counselors and psychologists seems to have opened his eyes to the real career world. It is very important for Raul to make a decision before it is late since he is about to graduate from school. The interests of Raul are very important is deciding his career path. The fact that he has a wife and children makes it very necessary for him to take a career path that would help him a great deal financially. The best option for Raul in his career path would be to pursue a Master’s Degree in Counseling Psychology. This is owing to the fact that he has interests in researc h which is very vital to the program. Moreover, counseling would give him a wider job market and would therefore sustain him financially. CITATION Don08 l 1033 (Super, 2008)Having been in the cooperate world is indeed a milestone for John in the career world. As much as he was laid off, he is way ahead of a number of individuals. His experience in the cooperate world must have equipped him with a number of skills that will help him a great deal I n future. This is considering the fact that he would love to integrate his career path of psychology with business. For instance, one of the options that John is laying on the table is Industrial Organizational Psychology. I could not agree more with John on this one. Industrial Psychology would indeed be a very good way for John to combine what he learnt in the cooperate world together with Psychology. However, John should always keep in mind that this is a competitive world. The field of Industrial Psychology is just one of the fields tha t experience a lot of competition when it comes to pursuing a graduate program in the field. However, the best advice for John would be to first of all take a professional course that is related to business or rather the cooperate world. Such courses include Business Management, Business Administration, Marketing or even Certified Public Accounting (CPA). In this way, he would be able to prove his skills in the cooperate world, not just by word of mouth or experience but by Certified Professional Courses. This, together with a Bachelor’s Degree in Psychology would raise his bar much higher. Having done any of these professional courses, John would not only be fit to pursue Industrial or Organizational Psychology but he would also be able to compete with other individuals. CITATION Tho05 l 1033 (Wadsworth, 2005) References l 1033 Helms, J. L. (2011). Majoring in Psychology. New York : New York University Press. Kuther, T. (2012). Careers in Psychology; Opprtumities in a Changing World. New York: New York University Press. Sternberg, R. J. (2007). Career Paths in Psychology. Oxford University Press. Super, D. (2008). Opportunities in Psychology Careers. Oxford University Press. Wadsworth, T. (2005). Your Career in Psychology; Industrial /Organizational Psychology. New York: New York University Press. Source document

Monday, October 14, 2019

What Makes You Happy Philosophy Essay

What Makes You Happy Philosophy Essay Happiness is being content with what you have in your life. It comes down to two different types of contentment. The first type is a materialistic happiness that comes from objects such as food, money, clothes, cars, technology and everything else that that physically exists in this world and is an object of desire. The second type of happiness is a much more spiritual view; it is a natural happiness. It is achieved from being at peace or from reaching a state of inner contentment. It is in my belief that through a balance of these two sources of happiness that only true happiness can be found. The fourteenth Dalai Lama Tenzin Gyatso speaks of happiness in much the same way. When asked by Howard Cutler to speak about desire, the Dalai Lama replies, I think there are two kinds of desire (Cutler 1000). The Dalai Lama says of the material desire I previously identified: à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦I think that this kind of excessive desire leads to greed-an exaggerated form of desire, based on over expectation. He goes on to say, When it comes to dealing with greed, one thing that is quite characteristic is that although it arrives by the desire to obtain something, it is not satisfied by obtaining (Cutler 1001). I completely agree with him on this point, that material desire can become excessive and lead to insatiable greed. However, it is my belief that happiness comes from fulfilling desire, which is, in part, fulfilling superficial material desire. But that is not all that constitutes happiness. As the Dalai Lama says, The true antidote of greed is contentment. If you have a strong sen se of contentment, it doesnt matter whether you obtain the object or not; either way, you are still content (Cutler 1002). This kind of inner contentment comes about through the second type of happiness I spoke of, the spiritual or natural happiness. Natural happiness or inner contentment is a rather difficult thing to explain, as it is a very abstract idea. Inner contentment cannot be found through material things. It comes from oneself, from one making peace with what they have and understanding that they cannot have everything. Howard Cutler, the Dalai Lamas companion, asks à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦How can we achieve inner contentment? There are two methods. One method is to obtain everything we want and desireà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦ The second, and more reliable, method is not to have what we want but rather to want and appreciate what we have (Cutler 1002). It would seem that Cutler, the Dalai Lama, and I share many of the same views. Inner contentment itself comes from making peace with what we already have, moving past the desire of wanting material things. However, it should be made clear that we are discussing happiness, not contentment. Contentment, inner contentment, certainly comes from achieving a peace with what one has and accepting that one cant have everything. But that is only contentment. True happiness comes from a balance of both contentment and desire. It comes from striking a balance between the two methods of achieving inner contentment. But this is only one persons happiness. Philosophers such as Epictetus would argue that happiness does not come about through these methods. Epictetus taught that: The goal of life is happiness or flourishing life. The way to achieve this condition is to understand the nature of the good (Barnet and Bedau 995). He argued that The only true good is virtue. Yes, wealth can be useful, but it is not good or badà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦ Povertyà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦ is not bad but is morally indifferent (just as wealth is morally indifferent)à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦ The life that is happy or fruitful is the virtuous life (Barnet and Bedau 995). Epictetus was likely speaking about happiness as a whole or happiness for the greater good. One persons happiness may not be the same as anothers, but I agree with Epictetus that happiness comes about through living a virtuous life. I would call this version of happiness a worldly contentment. This is, of course, different from the inner contentment previously discussed. Daniel Gilbert adds onto this idea of contentment. In his essay Does Fatherhood Make You Happy? he explains that having children generally makes a parent happy. Psychologists have measured how people feel as they go about their daily activities, and have found that people are less happy when they are interacting with their children than when they are eating, exercising, shopping or watching television (Gilbert 985). He starts off by stating how studies have shown that parents become less happy when they have children around them and how they would rather be spending time doing other things to make them happy, but later counters this idea with his reasons from personal experience. First, when something makes us happy we are willing to pay a lot for it, which is why the worst Belgian chocolate is more expensive than the best Belgian tofu. But that process can work in reverse: when we pay a lot for something, we assume it makes us happy, which is why we swear to the wonders of bottled water and Armani socks (Gilbert 985). Gilbert brings toward a materialistic view very similar to the Dalai Lamas. We are willing to sacrifice for material wants and desires but only true happiness lies in contentment. Gilbert compares children to heroin, while it may seem irrational his points are made clear. Children give parents a feeling of pleasure that makes them forget everything else around them. The analogy to children is all too clear. Even if their company were an unremitting pleasure, the fact that they require so much company means that other sources of pleasure will all but disappear (Gilbert 986). I interpret this as another form of contentment. Because of how satisfying it is to have children, it makes a parent content that they dont need anything else. Lewis suggests a countercultural idea, that we actually have no right to happiness. There are some people who truly believe that happiness is a right that is supposed to be given out from the government like any other right. While in reality this may be true to some extent, we have the right to pursue happiness more so than the right to happiness. Every person is provided with the opportunity and resources to do so. Similarly with other rights there are some boundaries. If we establish a right to (sexual) happiness which supersedes all the ordinary rules of behavior, we do so not because of what our passion shows itself to be in experience but because of what it professes to be while we are in the grip of it (Lewis 1006). Lewis would say that pursuing happiness is alright as long as you are within legal and moral laws. In other words, living a good life is a means to pursue happiness. Thus the question of what is happiness can be defined in multiple ways. For one person, it is through achieving a state of inner contentment through finding a balance between material desire of what one does not have and a desire of what one already has. In the context of worldly or societal happiness, happiness is found through living a life of virtue and thus being fulfilled, or finding contentment, in that manner. Happiness is all of these things. Happiness, however, isnt a destination to reach. Its a perception, a mindset. There are those that believe that people are born with this mindset. There are others who believe that each of us can achieve this perception merely by redirecting our thoughts. Both are true. Sometimes it takes a really stressful event to make us realize how grateful we are for what we have rather than desiring what we dont have. The secret to happiness is contentment; a still point of realization that happiness is found within, not through external measures and possessions. Contentment is more than being grateful for the small things in life, it is being grateful for simply being. Contentment is a song the heart sings in the quiet moments of the day. Can you hear it?

Sunday, October 13, 2019

Canals :: essays research papers

Explain changes that took place in Canals during 1750 – 1900 Water transport was a lot quicker than road transport, the only problem was that rivers meandered and flooded, some places were too shallow for boats to go through. A lot of trade was done by sea, coal mainly came to London by sea. Before 1750 improvement schemes were planned but the rivers still flooded travelling by land with goods ment they would get damaged and broken. IN the 18th century the main rivers were; The River Themes, Dee, Trent, Severn, and Humber. Here is a table of when the canals opened: <table border="1"> NAME AND LOCATIONLENGTH (KM/MI)YEAR OPENEDBaltic-White Sea, Russia226.91 / 141.001933Suez, Egypt162.13 / 100.761869Albert, Belgium130.36 / 81.001939Moscow, Russia128.75 / 80.001937Nord-Ostsee, Germany96.56 / 60.001895Gà ¶ta, Sweden86.91 / 54.001832Panama, Panama81.63 / 50.721914Houston Ship Channel, United States80.47 / 50.001914Amsterdam-Rhine, Netherlands62.76 / 39.001952Manchester Ship Canal, England57.13 / 35.501894Chicago Sanitary and Ship, United States48.28 / 30.001900Welland Ship, Canada*44.42 / 27.601932Juliana, Netherlands33.80 / 21.001934Chesapeake-Delaware, United States30.58 / 19.001829North Sea-Amsterdam, Netherlands28.97 / 18.001876Cape Cod, United States28.16 / 17.501914Kronshtadt-Leningrad, Russia27.36 / 17.001885Lake Washington Ship, United States12.88 / 8.001916New Orleans Industrial, United States9.66 / 6.001923Sault Sainte Marie (N.), United States2.57 / 1.601919Sault Sainte Marie, Canada2.09 / 1.301895 * Reconstructed from the old Welland Canal, which was originally completed in 1833. In 1757 the first canal was built, it was called Sankey Cut, it went from St. Hellans to the river Mersy to let barges carry coal from Lancastershire mines to Liverpool. The Duke of Bridgewater built a canal to get coal from his colliery in Worsley to Manchester, a few km away. He employed an engineer (James Brindley) to do so. The Duke made a profit of  £100,000 a year. James Brindleys most famouse canal was the Grand Trunk canal, it links the river Trent to the river mersy and runs through potteries, it was finished in 1777. By 1790, a canal network linked four major ports; Bristol, Liverpool, Hull and London. Enthusiasm continued in the 1790’s so canals were built in rural areas and never made very much profit from them, even if they did benefit people who live near them. Between 1760 and 1840 almost 6,500 km of canal had been built.Some people converted their barges to carry animals to market. From 1774 and comfortable passenger service ran from Altrichham to Manchester. Businessmen hired people like James Brindly, Thomas Telford and William Jessop to build canals to raise the money they set up campaigns.

Saturday, October 12, 2019

Stages Essay -- Essays Papers

Stages Richard Wright's Native Son provides us with an exemplary example of the way the black race was conditioned in the 1930's. He does this by telling us about an adult black male named Bigger Thomas. Wright titles each book in the novel the way he does to give insight into the various actions and feelings of Bigger. Book one is entitled Fear. It provides us with an explanation of why Bigger is afraid to do many things that he has a chance to do. Wright explains that Bigger is afraid because he is conditioned by white society to act this way. In Fear, Wright shows us that in actuality, Bigger is afraid to rob Blum's store. Bigger tries to mask his fear by implying that Gus is the one who is scared. They are shooting a game of pool when he asks Gus if he still wants to do the job. When Gus says no Bigger replies, "How come? You scared ‘cause he's a white man?" When Gus retaliates, Bigger tries to accuse Jack and G.H. He makes the statement, "Cause he's white, everybody's scared." Wright emphasizes bigger's fear again when he arrives at the Dalton's. Bigger is scared because he thinks that someone will believe that he is trying to rob or rape somebody. Bigger feels that he should have stayed among his own people in order to escape the feeling of fear that he has in his heart. On ce again Wright emphasizes the title. He does this when Jan and Mary ask Bigger to eat with them. Bigger stutterers, "I-I . . . . I don't want to go in." With this statement Bigger shows how much he fears the white race. In this book of Native Son Bigger proves that his heart is full of fear when he burns Mary's body to prevent anyone from blaming her so called "disappearance" on him. It is clear that Wright entitled book one Fear to emphasize why bigger's heart is full of fear and what he does to cope with this fear. Book two of Wright's Native Son is entitled Flight. Like Fear, Flight also has a specific meaning. Flight begins with Bigger at his home asleep. He leaps from bed with thoughts of how he killed Mary Dalton flooding his mind. He begins to think that he can do what he wants and not get caught. After killing Mary, bigger begins to thirst for more. When he returns to the Dalton's he wonders if he will have to kill Peggy. He thinks that she might accidentally see parts of Mary's body in the furnace. Bessie inadvertently gives him an i... ...ming, "You can't make me do nothing but die!" Bigger believes that he has no reason to live. After a long heart felt talk with Max, Bigger realizes that he really wants to live, not die. He sobs, "I don't want to die, I don't want to die." The trial is now over and his fate has been determined. "In Number 666-983, indictment for murder, the sentence, of the Court is that you, bigger Thomas, shall die on or before midnight of Friday, March third, in a manner prescribed by the laws of this state." It is clear to see that Wright entitled book three fate to emphasize the fact that Bigger's fate lies in the hands of the people that put such extreme amounts of fear into his heart. So, in conclusion, Richard Wright entitles each book in his novel Native Son for a specific reason. He gives book one the title Fear in order to provide insight into why bigger's heart is full of fear and how he copes with his fear. Wright titles book two Flight in order to emphasize how Bigger becomes hungry for more and what he does to satisfy this hunger. Book three is given the title of Fate to show that in fact, Bigger's fate lies in the hands of the people that caused him to kill in the first

Friday, October 11, 2019

Customer behaviour Essay

What is Electronic Commerce? Commerce – The exchange of commodities, buying and selling, of products and services requiring transportation, from location to location is known as commerce. E-Commerce – From a communications perspective, e-commerce is the delivery of information, products/services or payments via telephone lines, Fax, computer networks or any other means. What is Electronic Commerce? From an online perspective, e-commerce provides the capability of buying and selling products and information on the internet and other online services. It refers to a wide range of online business activities for products and services. Any form of business transaction in which the parties interact electronically rather than by physical exchanges or direct physical contact. Difference between E-Commerce & E-Business Electronic commerce or â€Å"e-Commerce† E-commerce covers online processes that touch customers, suppliers and external partners, including sales, marketing, order taking, delivery, customer service, purchasing of raw materials and supplies for production. More sophisticated system such as flight and hotel reservation system. e-Commerce breaks into two components: Online Shopping – the scope of information and activities that provides the customer with the information they need to conduct business with you and make an informed buying decision. Online Purchasing – the technology infrastructure for the exchange of data and the purchase of a product over the Internet. Online purchasing is a metaphor used in business-to-business e-Commerce for providing customers with an online method of placing an order, submitting a purchase order, or requesting a quotation. E-Business is a super-set of E-Commerce. E-business includes e-commerce but also covers internal processes such as production, inventory management, product development, risk management, finance, and human resources. E-business includes electronic mechanism to distribute information not directly related to buying and selling of goods. Examples: Product specifications, customer testimonials, and product reviews. Purchasing activities on your site, e.g., order forms, shopping carts, and credit card processing. Customers can’t interact directly with the firm. (territory barrier) History of EC The term e-commerce was originally conceived to describe the process of conducting business transactions electronically using technology from the Electronic Data Interchange (EDI) and Electronic Funds Transfer (EFT). These technologies, which first appeared in the late 1970’s, allowed for the exchange of information and the execution of electronic transactions between businesses, typically in the form of electronic purchase orders and invoices. EDI and EFT were the enabling technologies that laid the groundwork for what we now know as e-commerce. The Boston Computer Exchange, a marketplace for used computer equipment started in 1982, was one of the first known examples of e-commerce. Throughout the 1980’s, the proliferation of credit cards, ATM machines and telephone banking was the next step in the evolution of electronic commerce. The birth of companies such as eBay and Amazon (launched in 1994) really began to lead the way in e-commerce. Both eBay and Amazon were among the first to establish prominent e-commerce brands. The most prominent e-commerce categories today are computers, books, office supplies, music, and a variety of electronics.,1997 Types of Ecommerce B2B( Business to Business E-commerce) or Inter-Organizational E-commerce B2C(  Business to Consumer E-commerce) C2B( Consumer to Business E-commerce) C2C( Consumer to Consumer E-commerce) or Ecommerce Involving Intermediaries Intra-organizational E-commerce  m-commerce(Mobile E-commerce) Business to Government E-Commerce B2B (Business-to-Business) or inter-organizational Ecommerce Companies doing business with each other such as manufacturers selling to distributors and wholesalers selling to retailers. Pricing is based on quantity of order and is often negotiable. B2B is used to improve business relationship among orgz. (invoices, cheques, purchase orders, financial reports) are in electronic for. For Example: Logistic companies Benefits: Supplier Management (reduce no. of suppliers, processing coast, and cycle time) Inventory Management (list of items/product, eliminate out of stock items) Distribution Management (list of ship’s cargo, purchase orders etc) Channel Management (reduce labour, time saving) Payment Management (electronic payment reduce clerical errors, lower transaction fee and coast) B2C Business to Consumer In B2C seller is a business organization buyer is consumer. In this case costumer directly interacts with company, i.e. books and cd’s buy online and internet used as a medium for transaction. Newspapers reading and weather forecasting are used as a B2C E-commerce. This type of e-commerce improve the flow of information between firm and customers. Examples are, and C2B Consumer to Business A consumer posts his project with a set budget online and within hours companies review the consumer’s requirements and bid on the project. The consumer reviews the bids and selects the company that will complete the  project. Elance empowers consumers around the world by providing the meeting ground and platform for such transactions. Freelancing C2C (Consumer-to-Consumer) or E-commerce Involving Intermediaries In this type both seller and buyers are consumers. There are many sites offering free classifieds, auctions and forums where individuals can buy and sell. PayPal where people can send and receive money online with ease. auction service is a great example of where person-to-person transactions take place everyday. Intra-organizational E-C The purpose of Intra-organizational applications is to help a company maintain the relationships that are critical to delivering superior customer value by paying close attention to various functions in the organization. Benefits: Workgroup communications Electronic Publishing Sales force Productivity Business to Government E-C A platform for businesses to bid on government opportunities. It refers to the use of the Internet for public procurement, licensing procedures, and other government-related operations. It reduces the risk of irregularities. Income Tax Department, Excise and Taxation Department M-Commerce Mobile commerce is the buying and selling of goods and services through wireless technology – i.e., cellular telephones and personal digital assistants (PDAs). Including mobile banking (when customers use their handheld devices to access their accounts and pay their bills). Bill payment and account reviews can all be conducted from the same handheld device. Delivery of entertainment, financial news, sports figures and traffic updates to a single mobile device. Advantages of e-commerce for businesses? Reduction of costs in the business E-commerce serves as an â€Å"equalizer†. It enables start-up and small- and medium-sized enterprises to reach the global market. E-commerce makes â€Å"mass customization† possible. E-commerce applications in this area include easy-to-use ordering systems that allow customers to choose and order products according to their personal and unique specifications. E-commerce allows â€Å"network production.† This refers to the parcelling out of the production process to contractors who are geographically dispersed but who are connected to each other via computer networks. What forces are fuelling e-commerce? There are at least three major forces fuelling e-commerce: Economic forces. One of the most evident benefits of e-commerce is economic efficiency resulting from the reduction in communications costs, – low-cost technological infrastructure. – speedier and more economic electronic transactions with suppliers. – lower global information sharing and advertising costs. Market forces. Corporations are encouraged to use e-commerce in marketing and promotion to capture international markets, both big and small. The Internet is likewise used as a medium for enhanced customer service and support. Technology forces. The development of ICT is a key factor in the growth of ecommerce. What are the components of a successful e-commerce transaction loop? To maximize the benefits of e-commerce, a number of technical as well as enabling issues have to be considered. A typical e-commerce transaction loop involves the following major players and corresponding requisites: 1. The Seller should have the following components: A corporate Web site with e-commerce capabilities (e.g., a secure transaction server); A corporate intranet so that orders are processed in an efficient manner; and IT-literate employees to manage the information flows and maintain the e-commerce system. 2. Transaction partners include: Banking institutions that offer transaction clearing services (e.g., processing credit card payments and electronic fund transfers); National and international freight companies to enable the movement of physical goods within, around and out of the country. Authentication authority that serves as a trusted third party to ensure the integrity and security of transactions. 3. Consumers (in a business-to-consumer transaction) Form a critical mass of the population with access to the Internet and disposable income enabling widespread use of credit cards; and Possess a mindset for purchasing goods over the Internet rather than by physically inspecting items. 4. Firms/Businesses that together form a critical mass of companies (especially within supply chains) with Internet access and the capability to place and take orders over the Internet. 5. Government, to establish: A legal framework governing e-commerce transactions (including electronic documents, signatures, and the like); and Legal institutions that would enforce the legal framework (i.e., laws and regulations) and protect consumers and businesses from fraud, among others. 6. Internet, the successful use of which depends on the following: A robust and reliable Internet infrastructure; and A pricing structure that doesn’t penalize consumers for spending time on and buying goods over the Internet (e.g., a flat monthly charge for both ISP access and local phone calls).

Thursday, October 10, 2019

America’s Management of the Cold War

The cold war pertains to the tension and rivalry the existed between America and the Soviet Union approximately after the end of the Second World War until the late 1970’s.   Neither side confronted each other directly in a full blown war but they channel their competition and rivalry through wars in other nations who fought for their ideals on their behalf.The Vietnam War where America is set against combating communism illustrated that cold war conflict.   Despite the oppressive and corrupt government of Ngo Dinh Diem of South Vietnam, his anti communist stance won him the support of the American government to fight against the pro communist North Vietnam under Ho Chi Minh, who was backed up by Russia and China.Following the Domino theory, the American government along with their Western Allies feared that communism will spread like a disease from one country to another and the power and influence of the Soviet Union will further expand. (Kissinger, p15)The Vietnam War a s a dummy war between the US and the Soviet Union was an effort to contain the spread of communism which threatened and impeded the objective of the US government to achieve political, economic and military hegemony in the world.Politically, communism is directly in contrast to the political ideologies and principles that served as the pillars for the foundation of a political governance of the America, to wit, free election, capitalism, individual freedom and democracy, among others.Economically, the political dominance of communism is detrimental to the capitalistic endeavors of the US and its western allies in enhancing their access to global market for their expanding capitalistic economy. Democracy is necessary to open nations to engage in free trade and restrict the economic intervention of governments in facilitating the same.Militarily, the maintenance of a state of war permitted and justified the perpetual endeavor and investment for the creation and proliferation of modern military arsenal, which will help ensure the military dominance of the US.And indeed, the cold war bear witnessed to the unprecedented advancement of military weaponry, the nuclear arms race (e.g. Hydrogen Bomb) as well as equipment and agencies for global espionage (CIA and KGB).In the late 1960s’, the threat of communism in the US is starting to gain attention in the midst of the civil rights movement and the unpopularity of the Vietnam War, among others which engendered civil unrests at the home front.Driven by anti communism anxieties, the Cold War thus served to further justify the increased government control over the American citizens which was manifested with the expansion of executive power.   In 1950 for instance, US President Truman contended that spending appropriations (especially for military operations) is the discretionary power of the president.   (Fausold and Shank, p113).Also, the House of Un-American Activities Committee was created for the Investigat ion, early detection and curtailment of communism especially directed against labor union leaders, suspected government officials and other political personalities.Under these premises, the cold war benefits and served the US best in order to withstand the threat of communism and eventually thrived to become the most powerful nation in the world.The military intervention and US foreign policy during the cold war for purposed of achieving political power and maintaining corporate profit were essential components for establishing the imperialistic dominion that the US currently enjoys today.   â€Å"Russia walked out of the cold war game leaving the US alone in front of the chess board.† (Zinn and Arnove, p548)ReferencesFausold, M and Shank, A. (1991). The Constitution and the American presidencySUNY PressKissinger, H. (2003). Ending the Vietnam War: A History of America's Involvement in and Extrication from the Vietnam War. Touchstone BooksZinn, H. and Arnove, A. (2004). Voi ces of a people's history of the United States. Seven Stories Press  

Wednesday, October 9, 2019

Australian Securities and Investment mission Law

In the case of ASIC v Sydney Investment House Equities Pty Ltd [2008] NSWSC 1224 (21 November 2008) Australian Securities and Investment mission is the plaintiff and Mr. Goulding is the 3 rd out of the 9 defendants. In this case, the plaintiff had made a claim against the defendant that he had mitted various infringements of the provisions of the Corporation Act 2001 (CA) and the Australian Securities and Investment mission Act 2001 with respect to his role as the director of several panies prising the Sydney Investment House Group . The plaintiff seeks from the court against the defendant that he should be he should be disqualified for an appropriate period from managing corporations and prevented from providing any financial services within Australia. However, the plaintiff had not made any claims for the imposition of any kind of penalties and others orders with respect to pensation payment.   The plaintiff had initially brought proceedings against eight panies, which belonged to the SIG group. Mr. Goulding and the Mr. Geagea (fourth defendant) were or acting as the directors of most of the panies which are all in liquidation. Application made by the fourth defendant with respect to Section 29.9(1) (a) and 29.10 one after the other against the claim of the plaintiff were dismissed by the court. The court in this case had to determine the fourth defendant mitted the breach of the provisions related to director’s duty or not. The plaintiff claimed that the court should determine that the following breached were mitted by the defendant with respect to the Corporation Act and the Australian Investment and Securities mission Act. The court in this case held the fourth defendant liable for the breach every allegation made by the ASIC. With respect to this decision, the court considered the following law. The court took into consideration the provisions of Section 180. The Section states that it is the duty of the and other officers of a pany to use their powers and exercise their duties with proper diligence and care which any reasonable person would have used if they were an officer or director of the pany in similar circumstance or held or occupied such a position in the pany similar to that of the directors and officers (Gerner, Paech and Schuster 2013).   The court in this case held that the defendant was liable for the breach of this Section by not observing diligence and care while discharging his duties as the director of the panies. The court also considered the provisions of Section 181 of the Corporation Act 2001 with respect to this decision. The Section states that it is the duty of the directors and the other officers of the pany to discharge their responsibilities towards the pany in good faith and in the best possible interest of the pany (Gelter and Helleringer 2013). In addition, the directors and other officers of the pany must discharge their duties for a proper purpose towards the pany. Duties in this Section refer to the statutory duty, which the direct owns towards the pany with respect to the general law o fiduciary duties. The court in this case also considered the decision provided in the case of Chew v R  (1991) 4 WAR 21, where the court held that good faith means (Knepper et al. 2015) The court in this case reading Section 184 of the CA along with Section 181, the Section can be breached if the director has not acted in the best interest of the pany, even if there is no act of dishonesty mitted by the director (Huebner and Klein 2015). The court also considered the provisions of Section 182 of the CA in deciding this case, according to the provisions of the Section it is the duty of the directors and other officers of the pany not to gain unfair advantaged for someone else or themselves by making unfair use of their position in the corporation. In addition, the directors and other officers of the corporations are not allowed to use their position in the pany to cause detriment to the pany. The court also considered the decision made in the case of ASIC V Adler 458 which held that entering into an agreement by the director which provides him with unfair advantage is the breach of Section 180,181,182 of the CA (Keay 2012). In the case of R v Byrnes  [1995] HCA 1;  (1995) 183 CLR 501 the court held that   if a director of a corporation acts with respect to a transaction in which the part to whom he owns a fiduciary duty gains benefits without making proper disclosure in relation to his interest, then the directo r is deemed to act improperly with respect to Section 182 of the CA (Welch et al. 2015). In addition, this would also lead to the breach of the provision of good faith provided in Section 181 of the act. In the case of Chew v The Queen  [1992] HCA 18, the court held the provisions of Section 180,181,182 of the CA can be reached by mere conduct to a director to attain unfair advantaged or himself or someone else , it is not relevant in this case that whether the advantage was actually breached or not (Stout et al. 2016). With respect to the decision made by the court in this case the court also considered that although the corporation itself owes the duties imposed by Section 181 and 180 of the CA the direct could be held liable for the breach of provisions of these sections (Land and Saunders 2014). This breach can arise from making or not preventing the corporation from breaching the provisions of law, which may indirectly involve failure to exercise skill and care towards the interest of the pany on the part of the directors (Fairfax 2013). After making such findings, the courts focused on the individual breaches, which were made by the defendant.   With respect to the first breach of making loans the question before the court was to determine whether the pleading made by the ASIC   are enough for the orders sought by them against the defendant and whether the objection of ASIC with respect to final formulation of loans were made out. The court in this case held that both the questions before the court were in favor of ASIC nod the defendant sis liable for the breach of Section 181 and 181 of the CA by making such loans (Prashker 2014). In relation to the allegation of rollovers against the defendant the question before the court was whether the orders sought by the plaintiff was in accordance with the pleading and whether roll over transaction finally formulated had been made out or not. After analyzing the submissions made by both ASIC and the fourth defendant the court decided that the defendant had breached directors duty by getting involved in the roll over transaction as alleged by the plaintiff. In addition the court also decided that the order sought with respect to roll over transaction were according to the pleadings made by the plaintiff. The court held that it is clear that the fourth defendant was clearly the sole director of equities and capital and he allowed the pany to go forward with a role over transaction by issuing preference share without any consideration and subsequently breached the provision of Section 180 and 181 of the CA (Donner 2016). The court also held that the defendant breached the provisions of Section 182 by causing detriment to the cpmpany through his actions (Bilchitz and Jonas 2016).    With respect to misappropriation, after considering the submissions made by both the plaintiff and the defendant the court had two factors to analyze firstly whether according to the submission of the defendant the defects in pleading made by the plaintiff is extreme and defies all principles of pleadings. Secondly, to what extent the allegation with respect to misappropriation are true. The court in this case held that the payment made by the pany were made for non business and in proper purpose or to give unfair advantage to the defendant and these payments were made to be caused by the defendant himself breaching the provisions of Section 180-182 of the CA. The court held the same with respect to unregistered managed investment scheme by not registering the investment scheme and therefore a breach of the defendant’s duty of care as provided in Section 180(1) of the CA along with the breach on Section 181 by not acting in best interest of the pany (Bruce 2013). The court had a different view with respect to the breach of reporting failure by capital. The court held the the defendant breach the provisions of Section 180 by not plying with his duty of care towards the pany. However, the court held that the defendant did not breach the provisions of Section 181 in this situation, as his acts cannot be considered not to be in good faith. The findings conducted by the court in this case are broadly discussed the range and limits of the duties of directors and other officers towards the pany. The provisions provided in Section 180-182 of the CA have a very wide but simple meaning to them. Through this case the court made it clear that the it is not necessary that detriment was actually caused to the corporation or unfair advantage was actually gained by the director , it is enough that the directors acted in such a way which would have resulted in such problem. Bilchitz, D. and Jonas, L.A., 2016. Proportionality, Fundamental Rights and the Duties of Directors.  Oxford Journal of Legal Studies, p.gqw002. Bruce, M., 2013.  Rights and duties of directors. Bloomsbury Publishing. Donner, I.H., 2016. Fiduciary Duties of Directors When Managing Intellectual Property.  Nw. J. Tech. & Intell. Prop.,  14, p.203. Fairfax, L.M., 2013. Sue on Pay: Say on Pay's Impact on Directors' Fiduciary Duties.  Ariz. L. Rev.,  55, p.1. Gelter, M. and Helleringer, G., 2013. Constituency Directors and Corporate Fiduciary Duties.  Fort ing: The Philosophical Foundations of Fiduciary Law (Andrew Gold & Paul Miller eds., Oxford University Press, 2014). Gerner-Beuerle, C., Paech, P. and Schuster, E.P., 2013. Study on directors’ duties and liability. Huebner, M.S. and Klein, D.S., 2015. The Fiduciary Duties of Directors of Troubled panies.  American Bankruptcy Institute Journal,  34(2), p.18. Keay, A., 2012. Directors’ duties to creditors and financially distressed panies’. Keay, A., 2016. Wider Representation on pany Boards and Directors’ Duties.  Journal of International Banking and Financial Law,  31(9), pp.530-533. Keay, A.R., 2014.  Directors' duties. Knepper, W.E., Bailey, D.A., Bowman, K.B., Eblin, R.L. and Lane, R.S., 2015.  Duty of Loyalty  (Vol. 1). Liability of Corporate Officers and Directors. Land, A.L. and Saunders, R.S., 2014.  Folk on the Delaware General Corporation Law: Fundamentals. Aspen Publishers Online. Prashker, L., 2014. Corporation Law for Officers and Directors (Book Note). Stout, L.A., Robà ©, J.P., Ireland, P., Deakin, S., Greenfield, K., Johnston, A., Schepel, H., Blair, M.M., Talbot, L.E., Dignam, A.J. and Dine, J., 2016. The Modern Corporation Statement on pany Law. Tewari, S.P., 2015. Directors Fiduciary Duty not to make Secret Gains. Welch, E.P., Saunders, R.S., Land, A.L., Voss, J.C. and Turezyn, A.J., 2015.  Folk on the Delaware General Corporation Law: Fundamentals. Wolters Kluwer Law & Business.

Tuesday, October 8, 2019

Trust Law Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Trust Law - Essay Example The reason that a review of the role and contribution of the law of trusts to the law relating to pensions is important is because in 2004 alone there were 927 billion worth of private pension funds under management in the UK, holding 16 per cent of the domestic ordinary share market, which is the largest in Europe and third largest in the world (Slattery and Nellis, 2004).Today pension funds of several British Corporations run into larger amounts athat their own market capitalisation (Slattery and Nellis, 2004). The law relating to pension schemes is derived from the old trusts law(sometimes even dating back to the eighteenth century). Cooper, D.R. (2000) . Even though the courts have recognised the different nature of pensions as compared to traditional trusts it seems that there are still gaps in this area.(Hales, C., Gough, O 2003) Private sector pension schemes are set up as trusts and a trust fund will be created to which the employer has to contribute(sometimes the employees may be required to contribute as well). The concept of trust developed with the purpose of the facilitation of the passage of inheritance and property to a trusted party (trustee or trustees) for the benefit of a third party (beneficiary or beneficiaries).Therefore when trusts are set up in the form of pensions for employee benefits the current and former employees along with their family members become the beneficiaries of this scheme. Hales, C., Gough, O. (2003) These schemes allow the trustees to own the legal title to the assets of the scheme and invest this .They must invest this capital for the benefits of the members of the scheme and look after the interests of pensioners and the current employees. Hales, C., Gough, O. (2003) Best interests have been defined as those confined to monetary goodwill i.e. being able to obtain maximum amount of pension through the prudent investment of the trustees. In this regard the Pensions Act 1995 puts an obligation upon the trustees to make prudent and risk free investment decisions. The Act prevents them from escaping liability through exclusion clauses in the deeds and must take care in ensuring that a proper person is appointed for the purposes of managing such investment.The trustees will be able to draw up a statement of investment principles.They will be able to decide upon whether a member leaves the scheme and whether to pay a certain person earlier due to death or ill health. The most significant intertwining of the law of trusts and law of pensions occurs when the Courts refuse to intervene into the trust matters following the extensive powers conferred upon the trustees to make decisions. (Duncan, C., Loretto, W., White, P.2001).However the Court will be prepared to intervene to ensure whether these powers have